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The Game of Questions

In & Outdoor Free
Word Games, Party Games, Campfire Games, Family Game Night

Activity Overview

Engage your family in a fun game of questions. Children are always loaded with questions of all kinds, but the trick to this game is to have the questions connect in meaning. Players need to ask questions in a string and other players need to answer that question with another related question that makes sense and so on.

The object is to get the strand of questions to continue as long as possible. The moment that a player forgets to answer, forgets to answer with a question, or makes a nonsensical response, they are out for the rest of that round and can restart when another round of questions gets started.

Materials Needed

  • 2 or more players

How to Play

  1. If there are more than two players, determine your order of question play before you begin the game.
  2. One player starts by asking a question.
  3. The second player then has to respond to the first question by answering with another related question to the next person.
  4. That player responds to that question with another related question for the next player and so on.
  5. The game of questions continues until a player pauses too long, forgets to ask a question, or asks a question that does not make any sense. If this happens, the player is out of the game for that round of play.

Fun Things to Do at Home
Fun games for the whole family
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Giving the little ones a laugh
Fun, creative activities
Exercise for the mind
Entertainment for the whole family
Great fun when you're stuck at home

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