Summer CampsThe SummerScape Camp Fair is Saturday, February 6, 2010, 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., at the Glen Urquhart School in Beverly, MA. 80 camps are expected to be exhibiting this year. Day camps and overnight camps will As the first break of the school year approaches, many parents may be looking ahead to that really looonnngg break....the one we call Summer Break! I know it may seem like eons away until summer arrives, but many If your child attends camp you probably ask yourself, should you tip your child’s counselors? The answer is Yes! Speak to the camp director. Many camps have recommendations based on the tuition. Present Do your kids love inventing new contraptions and learning by doing? Do they enjoy taking things apart? Check out Camp Invention for grades 1-6. Camp Invention (and Club Invention) are camp programs Looking for a unique summer camp? Maybe in astronomy, oceanography or zoology? Check out Peterson's Summer Camp Directory. You can browse camps in these main categories: Academics (over SeaWorld and Busch Gardens offer two different types of summer plans. They have resident camps for students in fifth grade through college. The camps can run anywhere from one week to two weeks depending on the The National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) website provides a listing of summer programs, summer camps, enrichment programs, academic programs and special schools for gifted children. Additional If you're looking for a summer camp, try this American Camp Association website. It lets you search for ACA accredited camps by activity (CIT, Equestrian, kayaking, etc), focus (academic, performing arts, etc
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