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Story Stones

In & Outdoor Free
Educational Games, Word Games, Party Games, Backyard Games, Campfire Games, Relationship Building

Activity Overview

Story Stones are easy to make and make a fantastic educational and relationship building activity to enjoy for years to come. We keep our story stones in a decorative basket and bring them out for family game nights, camp outs, bedtime story time and more. There are two ways that we play:

One way, is to have everyone choose a stone in your group and sit in a circle. Start with the youngest person first and have them start by adding a sentence to start the story off regarding the stone in their hand. Move around the circle in a clockwise manner and have each person add to the story with an addition that includes the character or item that is on the stone that they picked.

The other way that we have played is to take turns drawing 5 or 6 stones and each person tells a story using all of the story stones that they drew out of the basket. This method is best if you have a nice assortment of story stones in your basket.

Materials Needed

  • Several smooth rounded stones from 2-5 inches in size
  • Mod Podge
  • Foam Paintbrush
  • Colorful cutouts of characters and things from magazines

How to Make Them

  1. Wash your rocks and allow them to dry.
  2. Peruse various magazines and children's workbooks to find interesting story characters or objects that you can cut out and set aside.
  3. Use your foam brush to apply a thin coat of Mod Podge to each stone and place a magazine cutout on top.
  4. Smooth the picture out with your fingers.
  5. Apply a second coat of Mod Podge over top of the picture and allow to dry.
  6. You now have story stones to work with.

Fun Things to Do at Home
Fun games for the whole family
Making science into family fun
Giving the little ones a laugh
Fun, creative activities
Exercise for the mind
Entertainment for the whole family
Great fun when you're stuck at home

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