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Skating Clothespin Dolls


Activity Overview

Let your family's imagination soar as you create and play with Skating Clothespin Dolls. It doesn't have to be a snow day to enjoy this fun icy world of pretend play. Kids can create their own ice skating rink and clothespin doll skaters that will glide and dance around on the ice as little imaginations flourish. This is a great winter activity to enjoy on a cold and icy day or can be played indoors as well.

Materials Needed

  • Round Headed Clothespins
  • Markers
  • Fabric and/or felt
  • Glue Gun
  • Scissors
  • Small paper Cups
  • Water
  • Baking sheet
  • Freezer

How to Make Them

  1. Decided on what kinds of characters that you would like to play with.
  2. Create a person out of your clothespins using the rounded top as the head. Start by drawing a face using your markers.
  3. Next you can get as creative as you would like with the clothes that you will wrap and cut to adorn your wooden character. If you don't have fabric you can use paint or markers to decorate. The bottom of the clothespin creates the legs.
  4. Have fun accessorizing your characters too. Scarves, capes, hats are also fun to add and will make your characters unique.
  5. Use your glue gun to adhere the fabric and felt attire to the wooden clothespin.
  6. Pour a couple of inches of water into each cup and place one character into each cup and place them into the freezer.
  7. Add water to a cookie sheet and freeze. Or if it is cold and icy where you live you can put these items outside to freeze.
  8. Check them after about 45 minutes and straighten the character more upright in the cup and place back into the freezer for 30 minutes to and hour.
  9. When the water is frozen solid, pop the characters which are frozen in the ice, out of the cups.
  10. Take the filled cookie sheet out of the freezer. This will act as your skating rink.
  11. Place your frozen footed ice skating characters onto the sheet of ice and have fun pretending with your ice skating dolls.
  12. When they start to melt, just refreeze them.

Fun Things to Do at Home
Fun games for the whole family
Making science into family fun
Giving the little ones a laugh
Fun, creative activities
Exercise for the mind
Entertainment for the whole family
Great fun when you're stuck at home

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