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Seven Up

Outdoor Free
Backyard Games

Activity Overview

If you don't have a large group or you find yourself on your own for a while, keep the fun rolling by playing an enjoyable game of Seven Up. Seven Up can be played by one person per ball so as long as there is wall space, more than one person can definitely play this individual game. This is a great outdoor game which helps with coordination and concentration. Try creating some of your own actions and changing the game up a bit to keep things interesting.

Materials Needed

  • A ball ( tennis ball or rubber ball work well)
  • Chalk
  • 1 person per ball
  • A wall

How to Play

  1. Draw a line with chalk approximately 5 or 6 feet from a flat wall.
  2. The player should stand behind the line and bounce the ball against the wall.
  3. When the player bounces the ball against the wall, the player will perform a series of motions that are listed 1-7 below before catching the ball when it comes back.

Seven Up Motions

  1. Onesies: Bounce the ball against the wall and catch it one time.
  2. Twosies: Bounce the ball and twirl around before you catch it. Perform this act twice.
  3. Threesies: Bounce the ball against the wall and clap once and catch it, then bounce the ball against the wall and clap twice and catch it, then bounce the ball against the wall three times and catch it.
  4. Foursies: Bounce the ball against the wall and do a little dance. Perform this motion four times.
  5. Fivesies: Bounce the ball against the wall and clap once in front of your and once behind you before catching it. Repeat this five times.
  6. Sixies: Bounce the ball against the wall and do a jumping jack before catching the ball. Perform this action 6 times.
  7. Sevensies: Throw the ball against the wall while standing backwards and turn around quickly to catch the ball. Repeat seven times.

Fun Things to Do at Home
Fun games for the whole family
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Giving the little ones a laugh
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