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Play-Doh Pictionary

In & Outdoor $
Educational Games, Board Games, Party Games, Relationship Building

Activity Overview

Families, friends and kids of all ages will enjoy this twist on an old favorite. Play-doh pictionary offers variations so that can be played with 2 players up to any size group. Family game night is a great way to strengthen family relationships, but sometimes it is hard to find a game that maintains the interest of a wide range of ages. This game does just that. Play-doh Pictionary is the perfect game to get your family reconnecting, laughing and bonding together.

Materials Needed

  • 4-6 cans of play-doh either store bought or homemade
  • a kitchen timer
  • Pencil and paper for score keeping

How to Play

  1. Print off or write out a list of words for each team. You can cut them into squares and place them in a jar or a baggie for each team. You can get word ideas from the link below. If you have non readers, you can draw or print out pictures instead of words.
  2. Divide into teams and give each team equal amounts of play-Doh
  3. When it is time to begin, each team takes one word from their jar. They will then begin to sculpt for their team to depict the word they have drawn using their team play-doh. Without any noise or gestures or hints, each team will try to guess what their teammate is sculpting.
  4. When the timer goes off, it is time to switch sculpters. You can also set the timer for an assigned maximum amount of time and have teams switch sculpters when they guess correctly to see which team can get the most correct in that time frame. You can also play one on one for fun. The variations are endless.
  5. Keep score with your pencil and paper and the team with the most answers correct wins.

Added note: If you have a large group, you can divide the group into two teams and assign one host to the words. Each team sends up a sculpter and sculpts the dough for their team and the first to guess correctly wins the round.

Fun Things to Do at Home
Fun games for the whole family
Making science into family fun
Giving the little ones a laugh
Fun, creative activities
Exercise for the mind
Entertainment for the whole family
Great fun when you're stuck at home

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