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Play a Game of Telephone Charades

Indoor Free
Party Games, Backyard Games, Relationship Building, Family Game Night

Activity Overview

Be prepared for loads of laughter and fun in an experience where the game of Telephone intertwines with the game of Charades. This game can be adapted to any age group simply by adjusting the clues that are created to be age appropriate to its players.

The object of the game is to act out a single clue repeatedly down a line of players. More than likely, the clue will get grossly distorted by the time it reaches the last person. The last player is the only player who can call out the answer. All other players have to use their interpretive skills to act out what they surmise the clue to be,

Materials Needed

  • Paper
  • Pen

How to Play

  1. Have someone write out a whole bunch of clues to act out and tear them into individual strips of paper.
  2. All players should stand in a line with the first player facing the backs of the rest of the players.
  3. The first player takes a clue, taps the first person in line and they should turn around and face the player with the clue.
  4. Player 1 acts out the clue to player 2.
  5. Player 2 tries to interpret what the clue is from player 1's actions and then taps player number 3 on the shoulder.
  6. When player 3 turns around, player 2 now acts out what he or she thinks that the clue is.
  7. This continues down the line until the last player can try to guess the clue after it is acted out by the player before him or her. This player is the only player allowed to guess out loud.
  8. The last player in line, then becomes player 1 in the next round and so on.

Fun Things to Do at Home
Fun games for the whole family
Making science into family fun
Giving the little ones a laugh
Fun, creative activities
Exercise for the mind
Entertainment for the whole family
Great fun when you're stuck at home

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