Meal PlanningI just discovered these frozen meatballs at Trader Joe's (of course). They carry two types, turkey & beef. The turkey ones are healthier for you and they are really delicious! (I haven't  Stock your cupboard with Panko! These Japanese-style bread crumbs are great for breading all kinds of food. Not only do they add an extra crispy coating to fried chicken, pork chops and shrimp, but they hold-up  I thought this “Thanksgiving Survival Guide” had helpful tips on cooking dinner next week. One of the best tips is about shopping - do not go shopping on Wednesday. In fact, Monday and Tuesday  Where do we draw the line about the ethics behind getting our kids to eat well. Learn more about the controversy behind the book Deceptively Delicious and its technique to get kids to eat well... And see an alternative  Meals is a great site with recipes and meal planning abilities that will allow you to create your own online menu, share your own recipes, search for suggestions and meal ideas and even create a grocery  You want to prepare a healthy, homemade meal, but you don’t feel like going to the store again? Sadly, you feel uninspired too? Okay, let Google do part of the work (what else are computers good for  I finally tried Dream Dinners. For those of you that are not familiar with Dream Dinners, Super Suppers, etc., here is the low-down... Dream Dinners is a franchise business with many locations where you  Holiday dessert recipe decorating is a fun activity for everyone. Families can get together and have their own holiday dessert recipe decorating parties, or just have some fun with your friends, or the kids, before  Is the new book, Deceptively Delicious, by Jessica Seinfeld, too deceptive? Where do we draw the line between hiding veggies in our kids food and being honest about what is healthy? Let's compromise!   The Healthy Lunchbox by Marie McClendon and is a book full of ideas and recipes for school lunchboxes. It offers help in how to plan, prepare and pack stress-free meals kids will love. I'm completely  We recently stumbled upon What's Cooking Weekly, an online meal planning subscription service, and it has changed the way my family eats! Every week, we get healthy and seasonal recipes, organized grocery  My kids love apple slices but when I have to bring them for a snack when we are out, I often have the problem with them becoming brown b/c they are sliced. My problem was fixed when I found apple slices already  This webpage has a few different articles with more school lunch ideas and discussions. I don't know about you, but I can never have enough good ideas for healthy lunches and snacks, and how to make/package  All Recipes is a super helpful site. After a long day, I'm often at a loss for dinner ideas...not any longer. Now I can plug in the ingredients I have on hand and this site will give me a list  Now that school is back in swing, I often find myself struggling with new and healthy items to pack in my kids' lunchboxes. This means striking a balance between what they will actually eat  The taste of fresh herbs is irreplacable! But if you don't have them in potted plants around the house they can be hard to keep fresh. Plus buying by the bunch can get expensive! That's why I was so excited  It's the inevitable question: "Mom, what's for dinner?" Problem is, half the time we don't know ourselves! Enter Rachael Ray! The queen of thirty minute meals now has  My toddler is such a finicky eater and basically refuses to eat veggies. Knowing that his favorite foods include pizza and macaroni and cheese, I've come up with several different ways to "spruce up"  No more whining because the oatmeal is taking too long to cool and mommy isn't blowing fast enough. After my son's oatmeal is done cooking, I just add a handful of frozen blueberries. As they thaw, they  I use all natural peanut butter but it has to be stored in the refridgerator. I hate tearing up the bread when I spead it on so to avoid this, I put a slab of peanut butter into a microwave safe bowl or plate. &nbs  Forget "30-minute meals" (which always take me 60 minutes, by the way). The New York Times has an article on 101 ideas for summer meals that you can make in 10 minutes or less. That has my name written  Saving Dinner is such a great book if you are looking for ways to get yourself organized to make dinner on a regular basis for your family. The book offers thirty two weeks of seasonal dinner recipes complete  I just discovered that Babies R Us has quite a bit of organic formula and toddler snacks- same stuff at Whole Foods and Wild Oats, and a bit cheaper (Earth's Best Formula is a dollar cheaper). They also  I'm sure there's not a single mom out there who hasn't opened a prepared frozen meal with high hopes, only to see a teeny, tiny unappetizing morsel inside, and hopes are dashed. Well, I have stumbled  I used this website for ideas for my daughter's first meals. It also has instructions on how to prepare age recommended food and how to store it as well. I especially found  Too hot to turn on the oven and too tired to cook? Here's a quick, easy dinner. Get some prepackaged chicken strips, such as Perdue Short Cuts (there are several different brands, ask at the market), some cheddar  This National Pork Board website has tons of mouth-watering recipes for all different cuts of pork and ham. Pork loin is really very lean, and compared to beef, very healthy. It is very similar to poultry nutritionally  There is a place called 'Let's Dish" near my house and you can create a batch of 4, 8 or 12 home cooked meals in a matter of an hour or two, then freeze them when you get home. How it works is  I've been using this service since the beginning of the year. It's healthy, quick, yummy meals that anyone can prepare. Shopping lists and menus are provided. The food is delicious and tasty. I really enjoy  My kids are picky eaters and I'm sure it's partially my fault. But I just don't have it in me to fight that battle. I do, however, want to provide them with nutritious meals and some balance  Here is a list of items I used with my daughters! You will know when your baby is ready for finger foods when: they are interested in small objects uses the "pincer grasp" - picks up objects with  Here's a list of foods I used to post in the preschool I taught at. It's helpful to know what foods to keep from little children. Always monitor how much food your baby is putting in their mouth  Over the past few months, I've found some time saving tips to be used anywhere, but especially at a restaurant or over a friend or family member's house. This works with bananas, avocados, peaches 
Fun Things to Do at Home  Fun games for the whole family  Making science into family fun  Giving the little ones a laugh  Fun, creative activities  Exercise for the mind  Entertainment for the whole family  Great fun when you're stuck at home