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Line of Doodlers Game


Activity Overview

The Line of Doodlers game is much like the classic and nostalgic game of Telephone. The twist, however, is that instead of whispering a message and passing it down the line, players will be drawing something and using their sense of touch to decipher what is being drawn before drawing it themselves down the line of doodlers.

This is a great game for school age kids and older and is a fun party game, boredom buster, or even a family game night activity. It is fun to compare the different interpretations of what different people thought was being drawn on their backs. Line all of the pages up and see how the drawings branch off from the original.

Materials Needed

  • paper
  • washable markers

How to Play

  1. Each player needs a sheet of drawing paper taped to his back and a marker, except for the last player in line.
  2. Players line up one behind the other with the player in front facing a wall. Each player facing the back of the person in front of him or her.
  3. Tape another piece of paper to the wall in front of the line leader.
  4. The person at the back of the line starts and draws an object on the paper of the person in front of her.
  5. Player two can't see the drawing, she can just feel it being drawn on her back.
  6. As player two deciphers what is being drawn on her back, she then tries to draw the same thing on the paper of the person in front of her.
  7. Players keep going down the line until it reaches the last player.
  8. The last player in line then tries to draw the object on a separate sheet of paper.
  9. Compare the drawings on everyone's backs and on the last sheet of paper.

Fun Things to Do at Home
Fun games for the whole family
Making science into family fun
Giving the little ones a laugh
Fun, creative activities
Exercise for the mind
Entertainment for the whole family
Great fun when you're stuck at home

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