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Gratitude Scavenger Hunt


Activity Overview

Have a Gratitude Scavenger Hunt and really bring the family together. This game can be played at a family holiday where friends and family gather, for a family game night, a camping trip or anytime you have a group together. There are no winners or losers in this game. It is a purely a thought provoking activity where all participants take pictures of the items that pertain to the items on the list that are then shared with others. This is a very heartwarming activity for all ages to enjoy.

Materials Needed

  • A phone, ipod, or digital camera for each team or player
  • A prepared sheet with a list of scavenger hunt items

How to Play

  1. Create a list of vague topics of items that people would be grateful for. Some examples include: Something that smells good, something patriotic,something from nature, something that is your favorite color, something that makes you laugh, something that you love, something that is very old, something that is new, something that you wish you had, something that you would like to try, something that worries you, something that makes you smile, something that makes you feel good.
  2. Print out a list for each of the people who are participating.
  3. You will need a digital photography device for each person or team.
  4. Each participant or team should think about each listed topic and find something that matches the topic and take a digital picture of that item or person.
  5. When everyone has completed the list, they should come together in a circle. One person should take the lead and read off each item on the list.
  6. After each item is read, each person, one at a time should show the photograph that they took for that particular topic until all people have shared all of their items.

Fun Things to Do at Home
Fun games for the whole family
Making science into family fun
Giving the little ones a laugh
Fun, creative activities
Exercise for the mind
Entertainment for the whole family
Great fun when you're stuck at home

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