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Fun with Flubber Bubbles


Activity Overview

Create this fun polymer of Flubber and use it to blow interesting bubbles that you can hold in your hand. Flubber is a scientific polymer which means that it takes the shape of the container you put it in like a liquid, but you can pick it up like a solid. The consistency of this concoction reminded me so much of a product we had when I was a kid which was along the lines of plastic bubbles. We had a lot of fun trying this same bubble blowing technique with our flubber.

Materials Needed

  • 1 cup Elmers White Glue
  • 1/2 Cup lukewarm water
  • 1/2 Cup Liquid Starch
  • Glitter or food coloring (optional)
  • Straws
  • A bowl and a spoon

How to Make and Play

  1. Mix your school glue and lukewarm water together into a bowl.
  2. Stir until it is well distributed and mixed into a smooth consistency.
  3. Add some glitter or food coloring or both if desired.
  4. Next, add this mixture to the liquid starch in a new bowl.
  5. Use your hands to combine the ingredients mixing well.
  6. Keep mixing the flubber with your hands for a few minutes.
  7. Pinch off a small chunk of flubber and grab a straw.
  8. Place the flubber over one end of a straw, wrapping the edges of the chunk of flubber and pinch it tightly around the straw.
  9. Blow into the straw to form flubber bubbles. If they tear, just start again,
  10. Store flubber in a sealed container or baggy for about a week.

Fun Things to Do at Home
Fun games for the whole family
Making science into family fun
Giving the little ones a laugh
Fun, creative activities
Exercise for the mind
Entertainment for the whole family
Great fun when you're stuck at home

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