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Exotic Paper Flowers


Activity Overview

Kids can construct the most ornate and beautiful paper flowers with this exciting craft. Create a whole bouquet of different patterned vibrant paper flowers to give as a gift or as an accent to your home or room. Once you get the hang of making one, this is certain to be your family's go to project for making paper flower accents. You can even use them as an accent to gift wrapped items and my daughter has even worn them in her hair.

Materials Needed

  • Scrap booking Paper
  • Brightly colored coordinating card stock
  • Pencil
  • Glue
  • Green Pipe cleaners for stems
  • Yellow Pipe cleaners for pistons
  • pony beads
  • Glue gun
  • Glue stick
  • Flower Pattern to draw (see photo)

How to Make Them

  1. Draw 2 flower patterns as shown in photo above. One should be larger than the other.
  2. Cut out the patterns and trace the larger pattern onto the card stock paper.
  3. Trace the smaller patterns onto the scrap booking paper.
  4. Cut out both the large and small flower shapes.
  5. Paste the smaller printed flower shapes onto the larger colored card stock pieces with your glue stick.
  6. Roll the flower up and spread the top cut "petals" so that they make the shape of a cone.
  7. Seal up the cone with your glue stick and hold for a few moments.
  8. Take your pencil and wrap each petal around to curl the tips of the petals under.
  9. Cut your yellow pipe cleaner into three segments.
  10. Thread one pony bead onto the end of each of the three pipe cleaners and curl the end of the pipe cleaner around the base of the bead to secure.
  11. Wrap the other end of the yellow pipe cleaners around one end of the green pipe cleaner.
  12. Thread the green pipe cleaner down through the hole in the center of the flower leaving the yellow "pistons" within the petals.
  13. Use your glue gun to secure the base of the flower to the pipe cleaner.

Fun Things to Do at Home
Fun games for the whole family
Making science into family fun
Giving the little ones a laugh
Fun, creative activities
Exercise for the mind
Entertainment for the whole family
Great fun when you're stuck at home

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