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Create a Domino Run

Indoor $

Activity Overview

A favorite playtime activity in our house is creating a Domino Run. This activity is accomplished by lining dominoes up in a continuous line that is straight or curvy or spiral in shape. You stand them up on one end and line them up close enough together so that when one falls, they all will knock the one after it down. Use care when setting up a Domino Run as one wrong move or slip of the hand will spark a chain reaction of dominoes that will leave you starting over.

Try looking up some videos of domino competitions for inspiration. Some of these domino runs use thousands of dominoes. This activity takes some patience and concentration and is a fabulous activity to do indoors. Enjoy they planning and building. You may even want to video tape your creation, because the end result goes by in a flash.

Materials Needed

  • dominoes
  • blocks, books or other optional add ons

How To Do It

  1. Obtain a clear and flat area to build your domino run.
  2. Simply start lining dominoes up one in front of the other only about a half of an inch apart standing them up tall.
  3. You will be making one continuous string of dominoes. When you want to make a turn, line the dominoes up and gradually tilt each domino and continue stacking them in this manner until your turn is complete.
  4. You can add cool obstacles such as blocks and books to add height in certain areas. You must be sure though that when you line up your dominoes, that they are close enough to each other and at a good enough angle that they will knock the next domino over when it drops.
  5. When you are finished lining up the dominoes, tap the first domino in the run over and set off the chain reaction of dominoes.

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