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Alphabet Paper Chains


Activity Overview

If you are looking for a quiet time activity that will enhance your young child's alphabet skills, try making some Alphabet Paper Chains. The difference between these paper chains and traditional paper chains is that these are sturdier and made reusable with the addition of velcro. Put them together and take them apart and store flat.

Some other ideas for uses of these reusable paper chains is to write numbers on them and have an older child do math problems or simple counting. Consider making lots of letters in addition to the alphabet and practice building words.

Materials Needed

  • Heavy card stock
  • Sharpie Marker
  • A roll of sticky backed velcro
  • Scissors

How to Make and Play

  1. Cut card stock into 26 strips that are 2 inches wide.
  2. On the center of each of the 26 strips, boldly write one letter of the alphabet.
  3. Snip 26 one inch segments of the rough and 26 one inch segments of the soft sided velcro.
  4. Peel off the sticky backing and stick one piece rough velcro on one end of the letter side and the smooth velcro piece on the opposite end of the back side.
  5. Create a paper chain in alphabetical order attaching the paper strips by pressing the velcro strips together after linking each one through the one before it.

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